My Experiences with Sadhubaba

By Smt. Tulika Srivastava

Jai Sri Sadhu Baba

My mother Smt. Satya Sahi was a very fond devotee of Sri Sri Sadhu Baba and Sadhu Ma. From my childhood, I always saw her believing in them and teaching me to pray to them and speak the truth in every small and big action. If something good happened, she gave credit to Sadhu Baba’s blessings, and if something wrong happened, she used to tell us that he wants to give us some learning in life, and she always kept on with her devotion with renewed faith.

I never saw her starting her day without praying to Sadhu Baba & Sadhu Ma. She used to keep a picture of Sadhu Baba and Sadhu Ma in her purse while traveling for work or any family commitments; she always took out that picture and kept it in her room and never forgot to seek their blessings before starting her day.

These things and her trust in Sadhu Baba passed on to me. As a child, I also started praying and realized that Sadhu Baba is with me in everything, whether it was small or big. I felt his presence many times in different ways, and my faith grew with every experience. Now I can say with full confidence that yes, he is somewhere very near to me, and when I need Him, He is always there to help me.

Some incidents happened in my life where I felt that someone helped me and just vanished after everything was over. Someone just came to help me, and I can say in full confidence that the person was sent by Sri Sadhu Baba to take care of me in that situation. Sometimes it happens that I sit in the Puja room for my regular prayers, but my mind stops doing any normal bhajan or chanting and just wanted to look at Sadhu Baba’s photo and after a few minutes, the tears start flowing, and it comes without any thought, any pain, any reason, and I don’t want to cry but unable to stop the flow.

A few years ago, living in Dubai, I started feeling that I am missing Sadhu Baba in my life because I was not part of any Satsang, not attending any ceremonies of him. So I traveled to Kolkata Ashram from Dubai to attend his B’day in March. The functions were moving accordingly; on that special Day at the time of evening Arti, I saw a very nice picture of Sadhu Baba and Sadhu Ma kept near his statue, which attracted me. I was again in tears and asked him to assure me that he is with me – I am not alone. After the Durga Bol, dear Monish di from the ashram came near to me and asked whether I wish to keep those photos with me. It was made and Laminated beautifully by the group wishing to travel Bangladesh but for some reason could not be carried with them, maybe because of the big size. I was filled with joy; on His birthday, from his place, he is coming with me; I have no words to express my feelings even now; YES, he showed that he is with me, he cares for me. I want to thank from the bottom of my heart to everyone who contributed to those pictures by any means.

There are many incidents where I talked to Sadhu Baba about my sufferings, and yes, I always get answers or solutions.

Sometimes he comes into my dream. Once, I saw a dream that I am visiting any place with many people, and after some time, I found myself alone in an unfamiliar world, a ghost village-type place. I was afraid and felt left alone, the whole village was empty, and all the lanes, even houses, were full of snakes moving around. I was scared, snakes were not harming me, but my breathing was fast, and was looking for some help. I was feeling very uncomfortable, moving from one lane to another with fear. Then suddenly, someone held my hand very gently but firmly; when I looked up, he was Sadhu Baba. He took me to another lane, where he touched a wall with one finger holding me with his other hand. Immediately we were in a different place, a very normal one, and I realized that I was standing alone, no one was near me, my breathing was normal, and I was not scared anymore. But that place was really spine-chilling or hair-raising. This experience was like a Time-travel; when I opened my eyes, I felt like Baba had crossed me from suffering, holding my hand in his hand.

I never feel alone- he is with me, he is with all his devotee taking care of everyone who believes in him.

Jai Sadhu Baba!! Jai Sadhu Ma.!!



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