
  1. Early Life
  2. Marriage

Taracharan was twenty-five years old. Reports about Taracharan were rife regarding his abnormal behavior. At the suggestion of Baradsundarey, mother-in-law of Taracharan’s cousin, the marriage of Taracharan was arranged by her father, Kailash Chandra. The date of marriage was fixed, but Taracharan refused to marry. After much persuasion by his mother, Amala Devi, he unwillingly agreed only to make her happy. While traveling for the wedding, the girl’s family met with a great mishap, and the marriage was canceled.

During this period, Sadhubaba’s sadhana started without any food or sleep. The heart-rendering cry of Maa Maa continued relentlessly as Sadhubaba strove for the fulfillment of his mission on earth. The elders again searched for a suitable bride, and this time, they found one in Dalghat, where Sadhubaba was doing his austere sadhana in the ‘Burhakali’ temple. Sadhumaa, Devi Aranya Kumari was only 15 years old then. Sadhubaba didn’t protest this time. The wedding procession of the girl’s family again met with a mishap as their boat capsized, but the bride reached the wedding safely.

Although now married, Sadhubaba looked upon Sadhumaa as his mother, as was his attitude toward all women. They never lived as husband and wife under the same roof. SadhuMaa remained a Brahmacharini all her life. Sadhumaa understood her husband’s greatness and did not complain about his behavior towards her. It was not a marriage of two humans but a union of Shiva and Shakti. The devotees worshipped her as Durga, and they called her ‘Jagat Mata’ in later years as Sadhubaba was called ‘Jagat Pita.’. She was born in 1889 and left for her eternal abode in 1965. Sadhumaa was a perfect ‘karma yogin’ who performed all her duties selflessly without any demands or expectations.

Sadubaba expressed her regard for Sadhumaa and said she was much greater than himself. He also composed ‘Durga Bol’ keertan just before Sadhumaa came to Kolkata.



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